TechStars experience – not all fun and games

My friends at Lingvist have just written about their TechStars London experience. It’s in Estonian but Google Translate does a of translating it into English if you’re interested.


I’m glad that the team decided to publish it in their blog. Lingvist is only the 3rd Estonian startup to make it into TechStars (the others are GrabCAD (Boston) and Testlio (Austin)) and previous teams shared their experience to a smaller circle of friends. I’m guilty myself of not writing about GrabCAD’s experience in Boston as I was part of the team back then…

Update: Kristel, CEO of Testlio, touched upon her TechStars experience briefly in her blog post, as did Meelik, their dev lead.

Mis Lingvistil sellest kasu oli? Kõige olulisem saavutus oli ehk Maidu mõttemaailma muutmine ‒ et ta tuleb teadusmaailmast, siis ettevõtte juhi rolli mõistmiseks oli see ülioluline. Teine, enamikule kõige olulisem tegur, on kontaktid investoritega. Neid on seal nii mentorite, juhukülaliste kui ka Demo Dayl osalejate näol väga palju. Kellelegi su idee ikka meeldib ja aasta pärast on raha kaasamisel lihtsam inimestega jutule saada. Kolmandaks andis TS meie arendusele uue fookuse – üritasime vastata nii investorite kui ka kasutajate põhiküsimustele.

Read the full post here: Lingvist @ TechStars »

By the way, the next application deadline for TechStars London is on 7th of September, 2014.

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